Bautista Creek Students are Treated to a Unique Assembly

Bautista Creek Elementary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) surprised students and staff with a fun assembly to encourage healthy habits. Kelly Breaux and William Erickson from Hoopitup! Assemblies showed everyone that exercising and staying active can be a fun experience! 

On January 22, 2016, everyone at Bautista Creek participated in a 45-minute hula hoop experience where they learned thirty hoop tricks and fun dance moves. The goal of Hoopitup! is to show people of all ages that being active and healthy can be a F.U.N. experience (F-Fitness Made Fun, U-Uplifting and Inspirational, and N-Nutrition).

Principal Kristi Watson said every student within the school participated and enjoyed the unique assembly. However, it wasn’t only students participating; staff members were having just as much fun as the students, said Watson. She also said that this was the best assembly her school has ever experienced. It kept students engaged and inspired them to live healthier and more active lives.